Today, on 4th of June 2014, Caritas Serbia visited Obrenovac, together with Austrian journalists and representatives od Caritas Austria. We were able to enter the city only till Monday. Some houses are still under water. It’s hard to find the right words to describe what we saw. The photos speak more than us.
Caritas in Obrenovac
Study visit to Serbia within the project Societies

Within the project SOCIETIES a study visit was organized from 11 to 13 March, aiming to exchange experiences and examples of good practice in the field of social inclusion between civil society organizations (CSOs)participating in the project. Representatives of 15 CSOs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo, together…
Preview galleryRecognition of Caritas Serbia work on disaster risk reduction

Caritas Bosnia and Herzegovina and Caritas Serbia recently received recognition for their exceptional work in disaster risk reduction. On March 1stthey were awarded by the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina for supporting disaster risk reduction in their respective countries and co-operating across borders. Caritas Bosnia and Herzegovina’s main contribution was…
Preview galleryEnglish language classes for refugees in Bujanovac

Caritas psycho-social support team from Bujanovac Reception Center organises lessons of English language for refugees and migrants, every day, from Monday to Friday. The participants are divided into three groups, in relation to their previous knowledge. They attend classes regularly, with the goal to master the language better. The members…
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