Take care: integrated social and health care for vulnerable population in the Western Balkans

Overall Objective

To contribute to an improved quality of life of vulnerable population groups in need in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Albania, who are at increased risk of poverty/social exclusion due to Covid-19.

Through the project, integrated services (through medical care, social care, psychosocial support, economic strengthening) will be developed and delivered to the people who are at risk of social exclusion (elderly, ill, disable, poor, living alone, without family support).

 Programme objectives

1: The physical, social, emotional and mental status of the vulnerable population is improved through the provision of integrated care services.

2: Staff / volunteers / local stakeholders have increased skills and knowledge thereby strengthening local health systems.

Expected results

1.1. Vulnerable persons at risk have access to integrated home-care services

1.2. Vulnerable population groups are able to meet their basic needs in times of the Covid-19 pandemic

1.3. Vulnerable people have access to high quality counselling / information service

2.1. Staff / voulunteers / local stakeholders have received professional training

2.2. Local stakeholders benefit from knowledge exchange and emerging networks

2.3. Family members / volunteers effectively support homecare solutions for older persons and other vulnerable persons at risk

Target regions/locations in Serbia

Belgrade, Subotica, Kanjiža, Senta


Federal Ministery Republic of Austria, Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) and Caritas Austria.