Building Caritas – Reducing Poverty

The Building Caritas – Reducing Poverty project aims at developing and strengthening the Caritas network in Serbia. This project is ongoing for several years through different stages. The content of the project has a few important segments:
1. Animation and education of priests
Within this segment, each bishop has appointed an animator priest in his diocese, who prepares a suitable program and organizes meetings, in order to raise awareness of other priests about the need of working with volunteers. In addition, Caritas Serbia organizes trainings for diocesan priests, with the aim of developing new and strengthening already existing parish Caritas associations.
2. Activation of new parish Caritas associations
This segment includes organizing trainings for volunteers, educating beneficiaries for self-help and continuing actions to reduce poverty.
3. Annual meetings of Caritas volunteers and employees at the diocesan and national level
Once a year, volunteers meet in each diocese and have one national meeting.
4. Caritas Sunday – World Day of the Poor and promotion of solidarity
Every year, campaigns are being organized during Caritas Sunday, which is celebrated in Serbia on the World Day of the Poor, and preferably during Lent and Advent, as well as activities aimed at promoting solidarity in schools and during religious education.