Your Job Youth Incubator Aleksinac – Advocacy for better position of young people and minorities
YourJob Youth Incubator Caritas Aleksinac is recognized as one [...]
Caritas Srbije2021-02-04T21:28:44+00:0024.12.2020.|Uncategorized|
YourJob Youth Incubator Caritas Aleksinac is recognized as one [...]
Caritas Srbije2021-02-02T11:31:46+00:0022.12.2020.|Uncategorized|
In the past period of implementation of YourJob project, 30 [...]
Caritas Srbije2020-12-07T11:30:46+00:0007.12.2020.|Uncategorized|
On the fifth day of December, International Volunteer Day is [...]
Caritas Srbije2020-12-03T07:56:19+00:0003.12.2020.|Uncategorized|
On the occasion of the 3th of December, the International [...]
Caritas Srbije2021-04-05T06:36:46+00:0025.11.2020.|Uncategorized|
Milana Borić, a 21-year-old girl who received non-refundable funds [...]
Caritas Srbije2020-11-23T14:29:17+00:0023.11.2020.|Uncategorized|
In the spirit of solidarity and its mission, Caritas Serbia [...]
Caritas Srbije2021-02-01T19:51:42+00:0012.10.2020.|Uncategorized|
The second boot camp for future young entrepreneurs within [...]
Caritas Srbije2020-10-01T14:39:33+00:0001.10.2020.|Uncategorized|
On Wednesday, 30th September, a KICK OFF conference was held via [...]
Caritas Srbije2020-10-19T09:22:47+00:0025.09.2020.|Uncategorized|
In order to tackle labour market's challenges, the project [...]
Caritas Srbije2020-09-24T13:57:21+00:0024.09.2020.|Uncategorized|
The project SOCIETIES team invites you to take part in [...]