About us
Caritas Serbia has been present on the socio-humanitarian field for more than 20 years. It’s a member of the confederations Caritas Internationalis, based in Rome and Caritas Europa, based in Brussels. With the support of the members of this network and other donors, in the past period, Caritas Serbia has prepared, organized and implemented various programs for helping people in need.
In the spirit of his charitable mission, during the 1990s, Caritas Serbia carried out primarily activities aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to people in need. At the beginning of the 2000s, however, its area of work was expanded to development programs and projects. Today, Caritas Serbia is recognized as a provider of emergency assistance, as an advocate for mental health reform and deinstitutionalization process, as a promoter of social entrepreneurship and as an important player in activities aimed at raising awareness and reducing the risk of natural disasters.
Caritas is a socio-humanitarian organization of the Catholic Church, whose mission is the protection and promotion of the dignity of every human being, created in the image of God. The very word Caritas means effective Christian love, (in the Latin Deus caritas est – God is love, 1 Jn 4:16).
Caritas helps people regardless of their religious, national or any other affiliation, especially people living on the margins of society: the elderly, lonely, ill, poor, persons with mental disorders and others.