The project SOCIETIES 2 Support OCSOs IEmpowering Technical skills, Inclusion of people with disabilities and EStandards in Western Balkans, 2ndphase has officially started on 1st April 2020. The project is financed by European Commission, co-financed by Caritas organizations and represents 2nd phase of the project SOCIETIES.

Project SOCIETIES 2 represents alliance for social inclusion of people with disabilities and mental health problems and brings together 12 partners from SEE and Italy: Caritas Serbia, Civic Initiatives (Belgrade), Caritas Bosnia and Herzegovina, Association of Parents and Children with Special Needs “Vijedri osmeh” (Mostar), Caritas Albania, Project Hope (Scutari), Support Centre for Persons with Mental Disabilities – “Centre for Independent living” (Peja), Caritas Kosova, Caritas Montenegro, Association of paraplegic (Bar), Caritas Italiana and Caritas Bulgaria.

Project duration: 1st April 2020 – 31st March 2024.