Representatives of Caritas in the Ministry of Work, Employment, Veteran and Social Issues

Secretary General of Caritas Europa Jorge Nuño Mayer visited the Ministry of Work, Employment, Veteran and Social Issues on 26th of November, together with the Rev. Vladislav Varga, Director of Caritas Serbia and Darko Tot, National coordinator of Caritas, where they had a meeting with the State secretaries Laslo Čikoš and Nenad Ivanišević.

During this visit Mr. Laslo Čikoš presented the activities of the Ministery, the challenges that they are facing and the areas that can be critical for the social situation in Serbia in the next period. Secretary General of Caritas Europa than presented the structure of Caritas Europa and the activities of Caritas in our country, with special emphasis on the area of home care of elderly individuals. Dr Nenad Ivanišević highlighted the successful cooperation has had with Caritas in Subotica, in the period when he was the director of Gerontology center in this city. During the meeting the participants talked about the possible cooperation between the Ministry and Caritas on the project of common interest.

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